CLW | |
::HP:: 30 | |
::MAXIMUM HP:: 30 | |
::ACTIONS:: Cripple; Exploit; Surge |
CLW is an enemy found within ::/FRAME/. They are a daemon which seems to almost resemble a crab, with 5 eyes and large claws.
CLW has an equal chance to use any of it's moves.
INFO::'strike neural center of target to disorient';'chance to greatly weaken attacks'STAT::90% -2HP +1T:STUN, 40%C x2 +2T:WEAKENED
INFO::'locate or take advantage of vulnerability in foe'STAT::90% -1HP, 20%C x2 +2T:VULNERABLE -EVASION ADD::-1HP IF TARGET IS VULNERABLE
INFO::'charge forward without worry';'next action is taken twice'STAT::+1T:FOCUSED +SURGE
CLW isn't too threatening on it's own, although it is quite tanky and can leave devastating hits when surged. It's recommended to treat this enemy with high priority if surged or if it spawned with enemies that easily apply vulnerable.
- CLW is internally referred to as 'Knight', as the lesser daemons are internally named after chess pieces.
- CLW is likely a shortening of "claw", referring to the claws it has.
- CLW's sprites refer to itself as 'Rook' and ENFC's sprites refer to itself as 'Knight'.
- This is because CLW's sprites are actually swapped with ENFC's sprites internally.
Mindspike Log
Firmament Last Stand
CLW | |
::HP:: 30 | |
::MAXIMUM HP:: 30 | |
::ACTIONS:: Dive | |
::WINDUP ACTIONS:: Grab Wheel | |
CLW has special stats modified for the Firmament's last stand section. Note that CLW actually uses the image of ENFC in this section.
CLW's chosen action during the last stand will depend on if they have Windup. They will always use Dive if they do not have Windup; inversely, they will use Grab Wheel if they do.
INFO::'prepare to go for the wheel'STAT::+WINDUP
W::Grab Wheel
INFO::'direct vessel in random direction'STAT::VESSEL::RANDOM MOVEMENT