A dull vessel is a specialized variant of obesk spacecraft that can pass through the Dull Contrivance.[1] In the Embassy, dull vessels were kept in the hangar, which is located at the top of the spire.
During the events of the Collapse, dull vessels were "spiraling out of control" according to Gordon.[2] Akizet's personal corrucyst was recovered in her vessel's remains from the ocean several years after her disappearance.[3]
Akizet's dull vessel is able to be explored through the Our Dull Vessel gate, initially located in the Void.
Dull Heart
The dull heart is the component that provides locomotion to dull vessels. It is unknown how exactly this is accomplished or how it functions, other than it uses the dull plane in some way. Akizet's dull vessel's dull heart can be viewed in Our Dull Vessel, through the gate at the left of the Climbing Wall.
Mindspike log
The glazika is the golem that is presumably responsible for the maintenance and well-being of a dull vessel and the management of its components.
Akizet's glazika can be viewed and interacted with in Our Dull Vessel. When greeted, it cheerfully says hello to Akizet and reports on the status of the vessel. It also comments that it is playing Parasite with the Pilot Cyst, using containers as wagering items. Due to its personality and intelligence, it is likely that it possesses an echo.
Mindspike log
Pilot Cyst
The pilot cyst is the golem responsible for navigation of a dull vessel.
Akizet's pilot cyst can be viewed and interacted with in Our Dull Vessel. When first met, it is incoherent and does not provide any translatable text. After Velzie destroys the interview in the Funny Little Room, the pilot cyst becomes lucid. The pilot cyst can then be directed by the Interloper to guide the vessel to the Void or to Their Waters, which can be directed to dive into the ocean to reveal the Depths.
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