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(Created page with "→‎Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load.: →‎quickly hacked up buddy for use outside of the main site, may have vestigial parts: class Buddy { constructor(settings = { element: { entity, // examine entity (if any) id, //unique ID across entire site (if global), otherwise whatever classes, // CSS classes added on creation img, // image for the default figure pseudoelement to us...")
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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
/* quickly hacked up buddy for use outside of the main site, may have vestigial parts */

class Buddy {
constructor(settings = {
element: {
entity, // examine entity (if any)
id, //unique ID across entire site (if global), otherwise whatever
classes, // CSS classes added on creation
img, // image for the default figure pseudoelement to use
size, // size for the entity - uses default 75px
figure, // if the figure should have any contents
actor //if the element also has a dialogueActor - used in chatter
activity: {
behavior: {
type, //follow, wander, wander_element, element
rate, //rate at which the buddy repositions
drift, //pixel amount the element can 'drift' around its target
limit, //(wander only) pixel amount the element can travel at maximum per tick
threshold, //(follow only) picks a spot within this pixel range of the element (x and y)
element, //element gravitating to if wander-element or element
muiPause, // if true, pauses movement when MUI is open
events: {
onRender, //called when created - even before the user has entered the page, but after content has been loaded
screenEnter, //called when appears visually within window
pageEnter, //called when user enters the page (i.e. either loads in, or clicks the 'continue' button)
mouseEnter, //self explanatory
leaving, //called when leaving page
location: { //used only if "global", meaning pages should be checking for them
path, //string or array of paths
exploredOnly // i.e. won't select a path that hasn't been explored. if none explored, not created
} = {}) { //constructor start
//store all critical data
this.html = `<a href="" target="_blank" id="${}"
class="buddy ${settings.element.classes ? settings.element.classes : ""}"
${settings.element.img ? `--buddyimg: url(${settings.element.img});` : ""}
${settings.element.size ? `--size: ${settings.element.size};` : ""}
--speed: ${settings.activity.behavior.speed ? settings.activity.behavior.speed : "1000" }ms;
<figure>${settings.element.figure ? settings.element.figure : ""}</figure>
this.elementData = settings.element
this.activityData = settings.activity

//determine globalness, where it should be if so
if(typeof settings.location != 'undefined') {
if(Buddy.globalBuddies.find(buddy => == throw 'buddy exists' = true
this.locationData = settings.location

if(!this.shouldBeOnPage()) { //we don't want to continue with render if its not on this page
return this

//continue with render
return this

/* PUBLIC - everything to do with the individual buddy */
// NEWLOCATION - rerolls buddy location from list of specified paths, used by globals only
// can also specify a specific one
setNewLocation = (specificLocation) => {
if(typeof this.locationData == "undefined" || == false) return false

//specific set
if(specificLocation) {
this.currentLocation = specificLocation
return this.currentLocation

//resets to original path - may not use, but didn't want to leave a gap in coverage
if(typeof this.locationData.path == "string") {
this.currentLocation = this.locationData.path
return this.currentLocation

//otherwise, using locationData.path array
switch(this.locationData.exploredOnly) {
case true: //we can reference detectedEntities for pages the user has been to
let visitedAreas = []
for (const areaName in flags.detectedEntities) {
const area = flags.detectedEntities[areaName];

const possibleAreas = visitedAreas.filter(area => this.locationData.path.includes(area));
let selectedArea
if(possibleAreas.length) {
selectedArea = possibleAreas.sample()
this.currentLocation = selectedArea
return this.currentLocation
} else {
throw 'no possible areas'

case false:
this.currentLocation = this.locationData.path.sample()
return this.currentLocation

//what it sounds like - returns true if they should show on this page, otherwise false
shouldBeOnPage = () => {
if(location.pathname == this.currentLocation) return true;
else return false

// RENDER - creates the buddy within the current page's context
render = () => {
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', this.html)
this.el = document.body.querySelector(`#${}`)
console.log('buddy', this.el)

//constructor events
try {
if(typeof == "function") setTimeout(()=>{
setTimeout(()=>this.el.classList.remove('instant'), 50)
}, 10)

if(typeof == "function") this.el.addEventListener('mouseenter',
} catch(e) { /* no events specified */ }

this.xy = {x: 0, y: 0}
setTimeout(this.activateBehavior, 20)

/* BEHAVIORS - movement around the page, events, etc */
behaviorTimeout = null // created/cleared on page enter/leave
behaving = false
paused = false
clearBehavior = () => {
this.behaviorTimeout = null
this.behaving = false

//behavior is checked and acted upon every 200ms
//behavior can change, (i.e. being set from follow to element)!
activateBehavior = () => {
if(this.behaviorTimeout || this.behaving) throw 'already behaving'
this.behaving = true
this.runBehavior() //do initial one too

runBehavior = () => {
this.behaviorTimeout = setTimeout(this.runBehavior, this.activityData.behavior.rate || 1000)

if(typeof this.activityData.behavior.muiPause == 'undefined' || this.activityData.behavior.muiPause === true )
if(document.body.classList.contains('in-menu') || document.body.classList.contains('mui-active')) return
if(this.paused) return

let behavior = this.activityData.behavior
switch(behavior.type) {
case "follow": this.behavior_follow(); break
case "wander": this.behavior_wander(); break

//shortcuts for updating travel rate/anim speed
changeRate = (rate) => { this.activityData.behavior.rate = rate }
changeSpeed = (speed) => {'--speed', `${speed}ms`) }

//used by mouse follow
behavior_follow = () => { //if the position of the buddy is further than its threshold, move it within its threshold
let buddyEl = this.el
let behavior = this.activityData.behavior
if(buddyEl == null) this.clearBehavior()

let buddyPosition = buddyEl.getBoundingClientRect()
let newPosition = {x: 0, y: 0}

let desiredX = env.pageCursor.x
let desiredY = env.pageCursor.y

let threshold = behavior.threshold ? behavior.threshold : 150 //default 150 px

if(behavior.element) { // we want it to follow the element instead, assuming center for now - use drift for organicness
let elPos = behavior.element.getBoundingClientRect()
desiredX = elPos.x + window.scrollX + elPos.width / 2
desiredY = elPos.y + window.scrollY + elPos.height / 2

let contentPosition = document.body.getBoundingClientRect() // since buddies are within the content, they need to be offset the same
desiredX = (desiredX - contentPosition.x) + window.pageXOffset

let drift = behavior.drift || 0
let randX = ((Math.random() * drift) - drift * 0.5)
if(buddyPosition.left < (desiredX - threshold)) newPosition.x = desiredX - threshold + randX
else if(buddyPosition.right > (desiredX + threshold + buddyPosition.width)) newPosition.x = desiredX + threshold + buddyPosition.width + randX
else newPosition.x = this.xy.x + randX

let randY = ((Math.random() * drift) - drift * 0.5)
if( + window.scrollY > (desiredY + threshold)) newPosition.y = desiredY + threshold + randY
else if(buddyPosition.bottom + window.scrollY < (desiredY - threshold - + buddyPosition.height)) newPosition.y = desiredY - threshold - buddyPosition.height + randY
else newPosition.y = this.xy.y + randY


//gets a random position in the page - beware on large pages, may be hard to track!
//ignores MUI being open - not concerned about player
behavior_wander = () => {
let buddyEl = this.el
let behavior = this.activityData.behavior
if(buddyEl == null) this.clearBehavior()
let buddyPosition = buddyEl.getBoundingClientRect()
let newPosition = {x: 0, y: 0}
let targetEl
let targetDimensions

if(behavior.element) {
targetEl = behavior.element
targetDimensions = behavior.element.getBoundingClientRect()
} else {
targetEl = document.body
targetDimensions = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();

if(behavior.limit) { //limited - will go in pixel increments across the page, but not beyond boundaries
//limit only works with page-level wander - wandering with a limit within arbitrary elements while also accounting for whether it's the content element is a pain soo i shelfed that for now.
//maybe u code crawlers could write the math better than i can >:) hmu

//get current position of the element (based on top-left point)
var currentX = buddyPosition.left + window.pageXOffset;
var currentY = + window.pageYOffset;

//calculate maximum distance the element can move in each direction
var maxX = Math.clamp(currentX + behavior.limit, currentX, targetEl.offsetWidth - this.el.offsetWidth) - currentX;
var maxY = Math.clamp(currentY + behavior.limit, currentY, targetEl.offsetHeight - this.el.offsetHeight) - currentY;
var minX = Math.clamp(currentX - behavior.limit, 0, currentX) - currentX;
var minY = Math.clamp(currentY - behavior.limit, 0, currentY) - currentY;

//generate random offset within the maximum distances
var offsetX = Math.random() * (maxX - minX) + minX;
var offsetY = Math.random() * (maxY - minY) + minY;

//calculate new position within container bounds and container position
newPosition.x = Math.clamp(currentX + offsetX, 0, targetEl.offsetWidth - this.el.offsetWidth);
newPosition.y = Math.clamp(currentY + offsetY, 0, targetEl.offsetHeight - this.el.offsetHeight);

} else { //unlimited - good luck catching this freak on content level! but in a specified element, it's not so bad
if(targetEl != document.body) {
newPosition.x = corruRand(targetDimensions.x + window.scrollX, targetDimensions.x + window.scrollX + targetDimensions.width)
newPosition.y = corruRand(targetDimensions.y + window.scrollY, targetDimensions.y + window.scrollY + targetDimensions.height)
} else {
newPosition.x = corruRand(buddyPosition.width, targetDimensions.width - buddyPosition.width)
newPosition.y = corruRand(buddyPosition.height, targetDimensions.height - buddyPosition.height)

let contentPosition = document.body.getBoundingClientRect() // since buddies are within the content, they need to be offset the same
newPosition.x = (newPosition.x - contentPosition.x) - window.pageXOffset


setPosition = (xy = {x: null, y: null}) => {
let buddyEl = this.el
if(buddyEl == null) return

if(xy.x !== null) {'--offsetX', xy.x); this.xy.x = xy.x }
if(xy.y !== null) {'--offsetY', xy.y); this.xy.y = xy.y }

/* STATIC - for tracking, checking if anything needs to be rendered on present page, etc. */
static globalBuddies = []
static currentPageBuddies = []

//basic rand
function corruRand(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);

window.addEventListener("load", (event) => {
let CORRU_FUNFRIEND = new Buddy({
element: {
id: "funfriend",
actor: "proxyfriend",
size: "75px",
img: "",
classes: "funfriend",
activity: {
behavior: {type: 'wander', drift: 50, rate: 10000, speed: 5000}
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `
.buddy {
--buddyimg: url(;
--offsetX: 50vw;
--offsetY: 50vh;
--size: 75px;
--speed: 1000ms;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: var(--size);
height: var(--size);
transform-origin: center;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%) translate(calc(var(--offsetX) * 1px), calc(var(--offsetY) * 1px));
transition: transform var(--speed) ease-in-out;
z-index: 10;
-ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: -o-pixelated;
image-rendering: pixelated;
.buddy.instant {
transition: none;
.buddy figure {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
animation: BUDDYBOUNCE-Y 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate
.buddy figure::after {
content: "";
background-image: var(--buddyimg);
background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
animation: BUDDYBOUNCE-X 2s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
transform-origin: bottom;
.buddy .target {
background-size: auto;
.buddy .target::after {
font-size: 20px;
background: #0000007a;
.buddy.hidden {
opacity: 0;
@keyframes BUDDYBOUNCE-Y {
0% { transform: translateY(5%) rotateY(20deg)}
100% { transform: translateY(-5%) rotateY(-20deg)}
@keyframes BUDDYBOUNCE-X {
0% { transform: translateX(5%) rotate(5deg) }
100% { transform: translateX(-5%) rotate(-5deg) }

Latest revision as of 01:12, 12 April 2023

/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
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