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From Corru Observer Wiki

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don't look at me lol
This article and/or section contains information that is either non-canon to the story of the game or used for development.

This is a list of dialogue from the non-canon precursor project to, The dialogue here has been fetched from the internet archive, and has been edited slightly to replace "\n" symbols with newlines for readability.


	"moth_greet": {
		'body': "mthmn: what's up",
		'responses': [
				'name': "[[_UNDERNETWORK_]]",
				'destination': "moth_undernetwork"
				'name': "[[_INFO_]]",
				'destination': "moth_info"


	"moth_greet_loop": {
		'body': "mthmn: anything else?",
		'responses': [
				'name': "[[_UNDERNETWORK_]]",
				'destination': "moth_undernetwork"
				'name': "[[_INFO_]]",
				'destination': "moth_info"


	"moth_undernetwork": {
		'body': "mthmn: ok, hold on actually. didn't think you'd be ready so soon. working on it, standby",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_..._]]",
			'destination': "moth_greet_loop",


	"moth_info": {
		'body': "mthmn: whats on your mind",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_WHY>>>_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why"
			'name': "[[_WHO>>>_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who"
			'name': "[[_WHAT>>>_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what"
			'name': "[[_THATS_ALL_]]",
			'destination': "moth_greet_loop"


	"moth_info_why": {
		'body': "<span style='color:rgb(175, 175, 175)'>.._WHY_..</span>",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_VEKOA_SHOW_COLLECTION_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why_vekoa_collection"
			'name': "[[_CANT_TALK_VEKOA_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why_talk_vekoa"
			'name': "[[_VEKOA_STOPPED_US_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why_stop_vekoa"
			'name': "[[_\"LOL\"_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why_lol",
			'requires': "moth_lol"
			'name': "[[_BACK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info"


	"moth_info_why_vekoa_collection": {
		'body': "mthmn: its a dead obesk thing
				 mthmn: don't know if the living ones do this, but it's like posting photos of you doing shit on social media
				 mthmn: except with them it's super emotional or traumatizing memories
				 mthmn: not 100% sure why, but it's probably not just for showing off
				 mthmn: i probably wouldnt shove a lucid memory of my mind being torn apart in a stranger's face if i wanted to look cool
				 mthmn: actually maybe i would, thats pretty hardcore
				 mthmn: by the way, that almost broke your mindspike. i had to do some shit on my end to stop it from actually messing up your brain
				 mthmn: exciting stuff",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why"


	"moth_info_why_talk_vekoa": {
		'body': "mthmn: cause 1.0 mindspikes without any updates are buggy as fuck
				 mthmn: it's the only reason any of this working, but it also makes polylingual comms basically not work at all.
				 mthmn: there's some kind of a bug in the translation protocols. if they aren't speaking your language, it just kinda translates it and that's it. no direct response mechanism
				 mthmn: i think they left out a quasicolon somewhere
				 mthmn: you should have seen people on launch day, it was BADDD
				 mthmn: we don't really need to talk to them anyway. if we did it'd just cause problems
				 mthmn: better that they just think we're some obesk kids or wannabe gatherers",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why"


	"moth_info_why_stop_vekoa": {
		'body': "mthmn: cause that's what net admins do
				 mthmn: not that you'd know anything about that
				 mthmn: LOL
				 mthmn: i'm surprised she caught us right at the connection though, they shouldn't expect intruders
				 mthmn: there's no precedent for what we're doing either so they shouldn't suspect anything.
				 mthmn: like at all.
				 mthmn: makes me wonder if they're tightening security for an internal reason. we should keep an eye out for that once we get in
		'unlocks': 'moth_lol',
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why"


	"moth_info_why_lol": {
		'body': "mthmn: its ironic
				 mthmn: like think of someone saying it out loud, in public, in a really dumb voice
				 mthmn: that's LOL",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_why"


	"moth_info_who": {
		'body': "<span style='color:rgb(175, 175, 175)'>.._WHO_..</span>",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_ME_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who_me"
			'name': "[[_YOU_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who_you"
			'name': "[[_VEKOA_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who_vekoa"
			'name': "[[_OBESK_COLLECTIVE_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who_obesk_collective"
			'name': "[[_BACK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info"


	"moth_info_who_me": {
		'body': "mthmn:
				 mthmn: wait was that not rhetorical? is there a punchline?
				 mthmn: ok, let me take a step back and look at you from a stranger's point of view then
				 mthmn: you're a lunatic who's breaking into alien neural communication networks using hacked up day zero gear we found in an actual dumpster
				 mthmn: how's that",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_ACCURATE_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who"


	"moth_info_who_you": {
		'body': "mthmn: we're not getting into that right now
				 mthmn: focus on the network",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who"


	"moth_info_who_vekoa": {
		'body': "mthmn: idk
				 mthmn: just some clueless obesk
				 mthmn: dead obesk i mean
				 mthmn: she really does look like that outside the network btw
				 mthmn: did some searching and she shows up in a few places around first contact, no interviews or anything though
				 mthmn: seems nice",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who"


	"moth_info_who_obesk_collective": {
		'body': "mthmn: that's the question, isn't it?
				 mthmn: all i know is they want metal and don't like talking to 'commoners'
				 mthmn: that's what they call us by the way
				 mthmn: kinda racist if you think about it
				 mthmn: they do trade with fruit companies though
				 mthmn: mostly citrus ones like oranges and limes
				 mthmn: not much info for us there though, i checked",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_who"


	"moth_info_what": {
		'body': "<span style='color:rgb(175, 175, 175)'>.._WHAT_..</span>",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_MINDSPIKE_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what_mindspike"
			'name': "[[_OBESK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what_obesk"
			'name': "[[_CORRU_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what_corru"
			'name': "[[_CORRU_NETWORK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what_corru_network"
			'name': "[[_SPIRE_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what_spire",
			'requires': "collection_seaspire"
			'name': "[[_SECRI_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what_secri",
			'requires': "collection_secri"
			'name': "[[_WEIRD_HANDS_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what_weird_hands_1",
			'requires': "collection_infection"
			'name': "[[_BACK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info"


	"moth_info_what_mindspike": {
		'body': "mthmn: is that a philosophical question?
				 mthmn: well, if you want to get literal: it's an eel-lookin piece of metal sticking out of your spine and into a levitating obesk corrucyst right now
				 mthmn: if you want to get philosophical: it's the only real connection anyone can have to someone or something else
				 mthmn: that's my take, anyway.",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what"


	"moth_info_what_obesk": {
		'body': "mthmn: is this a quiz? ok, well...
				 mthmn: they're aliens
				 mthmn: but not really
				 mthmn: like, they look like humans if you took out all the color, gave them posable antennae things, and slapped bug shells on them
				 mthmn: the living ones anyway
				 mthmn: it's really fucking weird
				 mthmn: i always thought aliens would be, you know, alien, somehow
				 mthmn: you feel the same way, right?
				 mthmn: the only thing alien about them is their tech and the way they move
				 mthmn: fucking creeps me out",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what"


	"moth_info_what_corru": {
		'body': "mthmn: it's shapeshifting sludge that the obesk use as technology
				 mthmn: they have some sort of symbiosis with it. it listens to them
				 mthmn: that's how they connect to the network, too - they put a corrucyst on one of their antennae receptor things and they're in. like what you're doing with the mindspike
				 mthmn: except they don't have to stick shit in their spine to get it to work.
				 mthmn: by the way, i know there's not even one recorded instance of them giving a corrucyst to a 'commoner'
				 mthmn: so i don't ever want to know what you did to get that network corrucyst",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_ALL_RIGHT_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what"


	"moth_info_what_corru_network": {
		'body': "mthmn: it's funny, if you asked me this even a day before you brought the corrucyst, i wouldn't know what you were talking about
				 mthmn: but we've got a lot of progress, even from outside the gates
				 mthmn: from what i can tell, it's a direct line the obesk have to every other obesk's thoughts. it's how they get their shit working so well, cause it's like an actual hive-mind
				 mthmn: we're gonna have to figure out the rest together",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what"


	"moth_info_what_spire": {
		'body': "mthmn: spires are what they call their buildings as far as i know
				 mthmn: they even look like that thing vekoa showed you, the sea spire
				 mthmn: but i don't think they built that one.
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what"


	"moth_info_what_secri": {
		'body': "mthmn: i know as much as you do there. something from their home planet? aside from that, not sure
				 mthmn: the image wasn't even clearly articulated in that memory we got, that's how scared vekoa was
				 mthmn: feels like it's more than just some sort of prey animal",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what"


	"moth_info_what_weird_hands_1": {
		'body': "mthmn: what? is this about that memory from vekoa's collection?
				 mthmn: let me see. one sec i'll run the sensory log",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_..._]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what_weird_hands_2"
	"moth_info_what_weird_hands_2": {
		'body': "mthmn: ok yeah, i'd never seen obesk hands up close before. that's definitely some kind of chitin
				 mthmn: on the fingers, the palm, the wrist
				 mthmn: i knew they had it on their fingers but i didn't know they had claws like that, that's cool
				 mthmn: what weird hands.",
		'responses': [
			'name': "[[_OK_]]",
			'destination': "moth_info_what"
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