COLLAPSE :: FUNNY (the mod)
This is a full dialogue replacement mod for the first part of Collapse in the Embassy. It features multi-timeline interactions, additions to combat, and asset swaps.
Load method
It is playable by pasting the following link into the sys menu, by following the path of "SYS" -> "Mindspike Data Management" -> "Advanced Operations" -> "Modification URL List".
(⟡) - NOTE::'load before entry'
(⟡) - NOTE::'following erases savefile';'be warned'
It is advised to load the following code snippet for the best possible experience, as some dialogues that only show once may have already been previously shown beforehand. Additionally, you will have to back up your save file as this immediately overwrites and does not save your file. Note this does not load the mod but instead reset your save to before Collapse.
(⟡) - NOTE::'resets save';'pre-collapse';'does not load mod'
The story begins in the timestopper room, where Akizet, Gakvu, and Tozik were connected to the timestopper. As the team searched through the archives for signs of discrepancies, Akizet is bored. When the time came for her to check an archive of hers, she glosses over it and does not bother to check instead choosing to bluff, which works out.
Later, a signal is heard. Tozik hears it calling. Suddenly, the team is struck with pain of the French variety. Shocked and stunned, the team stood back up to recover after the signal passed. Akizet internally remarks how unfortunate Gakvu was to have her leg sludged before realizing she was reforming it. Checking on each other and their communicators, Gakvu's (and her streak on Candy Crush) and Tozik's were sludged. Not long after, the golem that had previously attached a listener brought itself up to an uneasy hover. Shambling towards the team, the golem's limbs sharpen to strike at Gakvu. Akizet uses the timestopper to stop time, jumping in to save Gakvu, who she refers to as her "bestie".
After the tutorial golem, the team exits the room. Akizet internally notes there was something wrong with the elevator. Tozik attempts to inspect it with his corruskivi and figures they would need 'mats' to repair it. Akizet jumps in, offering "450 wood, 370 bricks, and 50 metal" before Tozik clarifies and refers to Sfer. After which, she suggests swinging out their pickaxes and striking the wall's weak points to break their way to recreation, an idea Tozik shoots down as impossible due to the hardness of black corru. Gakvu pipes up suggesting an idea to form a path to the nearby rooms, asking Akizet and Tozik to not tell anyone about, swearing under an oath "on velzie". As Gakvu stands and goes for the walls, Akizet sees this as her chance to strike. She shoves Gakvu out of the way to her surprise and starts mining at the wall with a pickaxe from Fortnite. Mining out the walls, she forms a path leading directly to recreation much to Tozik's and Gakvu's surprise. Gakvu resumes talking about the idea she had, telling the team about her mindcore's mobile groundsmindry pattern. To which Akizet questions the relevance of the information. Gakvu retorts, telling Akizet if she would have waited she would have saw, calling her a "worstie".
Entering recreation, Akizet is shocked by the destruction. She ushers the others to fight though they both slink behind. After defeating all enemies in the room, the team look through the sludged remains. Three pieces of Sfer is gained. Tozik finds a cyst and connects to it, then throws it across the room with a "remarkable amount of force". Gakvu is relieved to find the mindcores in the qou bodies were fine, suggesting chest compressions to free them. Tozik immediately tears apart this suggestion, calling it the "most idiotic thing [they've] ever heard".
> TIMELINE SHIFT POINT - Talking to barfriend, Akizet approaches first and asks for orange beer. Barfriend denies as there is an emergency going on, urging the team to move on. Gakvu attempts to demand for a drink, barfriend remains in his stance. Tozik gets a sudden idea and offers one Sfer for a drink, which barfriend accepts and pulled out a big boot glass. Barfriend fills it with orange beer and hands it to Tozik. Upon receiving it, Tozik takes one too many sips and becomes drunk.
Attempting chest compressions on the first body, Akizet puts their hands around the qou body's throat and presses down. Her hands collapse through the body and she celebrates. Quickly, she notices a metallic shell in the sludge and yanks it out. The Texan-accented Itzil is caught by surprise, asking for clarification as to what was going on, though the team could not provide much information. Itzil is directed towards the elevator.
Approaching the second body, Akizet holds out their hands and "press and held E". The mangled qou body transforms into a Fortnite chest and opens up to reveal Karik inside. Karik jumps to the walls and was surprised. They also ask about the current situation though an explanation has yet to show itself. Karik is directed towards the elevator.
Returning back into the elevator, Gakvu begins to melt the wall opposite to the path to recreation. Akizet asks how she was doing that and Gakvu reminds her. Internally, Akizet plotted to cast her aside and mine down the walls as well but is too late as the path is now open.
Entering the personnel tendril, the team spots enemies ahead. Excitedly, Akizet urges them to kill them all. After clearing the room, the remains of the containers were searched and sfer is gathered. If Tozik is drunk, he will trip over attempting to get to a container.
Entering Miltza's room, a tir qou aims a disabler at the team. Akizet rushes forwards and tackles the tir qou, pinning them against a wall causing them to drop the disablers. Miltza, pinned against the wall, begins to blush which causes Akizet to frantically back off. Akizet picks up the disablers and aim it at Miltza, then being told to stand down. If Akizet has a gun, she will point it at Miltza instead. Tozik asks Miltza for Sfer and obtains more, then directs Miltza to the Elevator. Miltza returns to searching the sludge of sloppily murdered containers before heading for the elevator.
> TIMELINE SHIFT POINT - Entering Kazki's room, Akizet spots the gun rack and rushes ahead to grab the guns before being stopped. If Tozik is drunk, Akizet will trip over Tozik's fallen body. Searching the gun rack, Akizet obtains a gun which she identifies to be a SCAR-L from Fortnite. After fighting off the containers that awaken upon trying to exit the room, more sfer is gained from the remains of the containers.
Returning to the elevator, Tozik goes to the elevator's panel. Tozik unscrews the panel to drop Sfer into it before screwing it back together. If Tozik is drunk, he will instead rip the panel off and dump Sfer into it and duct tape the panel back on. If Akizet has a gun, she points it at the mindcores and Miltza.
After a bit of time, the team are ready to go. Akizet and Gakvu positions themselves in the elevator. Tozik presses a button on the panel, causing an electrical spark to crawl up his body and electrocute him. If Tozik is drunk, he remains on the floor for the rest of the dialogue. The elevator jutters slightly, its floor display forming a face.
Timeline Shift Points
Talking to barfriend after clearing Recreation, Tozik offers barfriend one Sfer for orange beer. Barfriend quickly pulls out a boot glass and fills it with orange beer, handing it to Tozik. Replaces Tozik's Quick Mend with a slightly improved version (30% -> 50% crit) and makes Tozik drunk.
Inspecting the gun rack, Akizet takes one of the guns and realizes it is a legendary rarity SCAR-L from Fortnite. Replaces Akizet's Overwhelm with Mag Dump.
After clearing the container ambush in the BSTRD segment of collapse, if Akizet has the gun she will utilize it to unlock the crate. Within the crate is a red-ish hued AR-15 with spare magazines, which she hands to Gakvu. Replaces Gakvu's Scramble with Mag Dump.