!!__Dullzika__!! | |
::HP:: 80 | |
::MAXIMUM HP:: 80 | |
::ACTIONS:: Dull Portal; Dull Overload | |
::IMMUNE TO:: Stun |
The Dullzika is a mini-boss enemy found in the Golem Maintenance section of Recollection: Collapse. Originally designed to use dull microconnectors to deliver Sfer around the embassy, it has been hijacked to instead broadcast the signal, notably disrupting communications inside and outside of the Embassy.
In combat, it does not attack, but instead prefers to rapidly summon containers.
Dull Portal will only be used when the amount of enemies on Dullzika's side is less than 7.
Dull Overload will only be used when the amount of enemies on Dullzika's side is more than or equal to 7.
!!__Warped Container__!! | |
::HP:: 2 | |
::MAXIMUM HP:: 2 | |
::ACTIONS:: Clumsy Brawl | |
As stated previously, Dullzika summons Warped Containers upon using its Dull Portal action. Their only ability is Clumsy Brawl.
STAT::40% -1HP, 10%C X2
Mindspike Log
It's rather fitting that an enemy Glazika requires you to manage its resources. The Dullzika does not directly attack the party, but instead constantly summons Warped Containers, up to a maximum of 6. While the containers themselves are by no means threatening, being some of if not the weakest enemies in the game, you should absolutely not ignore them. If the Dullzika gets a turn to act with 6 allied containers on the field, it will immediately harness The Unmatched Power of the Dull to both destabilize and focus itself and its allies. Given that the primary weaknesses of the warped containers are their combination of low accuracy and lower health, you should avoid this as much as possible. While destabilization can act as a powerful method of dealing extra damage, have in sight that the containers will benefit from it much more than you will, especially with the increased crit chance provided by focused. Your party is far less capable of soaking double damage than the Dullzika and its infinite supply of containers.
When fighting the Dullzika, you should have one party member ensuring it cannot use the Dull Overload attack by destroying some of the containers. Akizet's Overwhelm, Gakvu's Scramble, Bozko's Disable, the Symbiotic Rifle, and any other attacks that deal 2 or more damage will work. The best choice for the role of crowd control, however, belongs to Cavik's IEDs, especially if upgraded to Bazrukas. If the Dullzika manages to use Dull Overload, Miltza's Distraction giving a team wide evasion buff can come in extremely handy. Miltza's ability to regularly inflict vulnerable is also quite powerful, particularly for the bonus to crit chance. Tozik's healing ability is appreciated in any situation, and is best utilized through using the Corruskivi on the Dullzika, aided by Miltza or Gakvu's vulnerability support.
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