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Memory Hole

From Corru Observer Wiki
Revision as of 01:46, 14 November 2023 by Genseot (talk | contribs)
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sorry, it is a secret!

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The Memory Hole is accessible inside the Uncosm, at the bottom of The Depths. It is a simple textbox that you can write characters into, which get translated into obesk script (Beech). Inputting an incorrect word will lead to you being mocked and kicked back into The Depths.


The current passwords are:

  • surface - Akizet is awoken from their sleep by another, is informed that a third person has not returned and that they need to find them.
  • parasite - Three larval obesk: Akizet, a cavernguard and his father augmented by Zevazni-made enhancements, harvest celki.
  • larval - Akizet is given a emergency mindcore device to allow them to avoid dying by a worried close friend.
  • dull - Akizet, now a Qou is sent through a dull contrivance and prepares by turning all their sensors off, and relinquishing a tithe.
  • sorry - Velzie tells the Interloper about themselves and how to use the memory hole.
  • clemens romanus - Akizet and one other Qou, find a sunken human ship and conclude it's not where an unknown party, referred to as "she", wants them to go.
  • cavik - An interactive page that allows you to scroll downwards to find Cavik with a corrupted signature. Upon interacting with him, a short dialouge between Akizet and Cavik where the former physically restrains the latter after a meeting with some humans and explains they can not say anything to anyone about it. After this the corrupted version of Cavik tells the Interloper they have to end this before it starts again before degrading further into static. On further visits only Caviks mask will remain and the dialogue can not be seen again on that save file)
  • veilk - Akizet climbs to the upper reaches of a veilk, riding it while approaching a stormy "spire", staking for the night in a "zzepel".
  • spire - Akizet contacts her remote coordinator, receives an estimate that she won't be able to leave her zzepel for the rest of the gaze once near the spire, and takes the chance to get a view from above before she has to take shelter once again.

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