The Memory Hole is a thoughtspace accessible inside the Uncosm, at the bottom of the Depths. It contains a simple textbox to input characters into, which get translated into Obesk script (Beech). Inputting an incorrect word will lead to text taunting the Interloper for their incorrect answer and retraces the Mindspike back into the Depths.
The currently known passwords are:
- cavik - An interactive page that allows you to scroll downwards to find Cavik with a corrupted signature. Upon interacting with him, a short dialouge between Akizet and Cavik where Akizet physically restrains Cavik after a meeting with some humans and explains they can not say anything to anyone about it. After this the corrupted version of Cavik tells the Interloper they have to end this before it starts again before degrading further into static. Upon further visits only Cavik's mask will remain and the dialogue can not be seen again on that save file. If the Unity mask is used on him instead, he will simply disappear and will be fully absent on further visits. No hint for this password is currently known.
- clemens romanus - Akizet and one other Qou, find a sunken human ship and conclude it's not where an unknown party, referred to as "she", wants them to go. The hint for this password is extremely obscure, instead needing you to look at the social media embed URL of the Clemens Romanus location, romanus.gif, and notice the unique "code__" section of the url hinting at the code.
- corru - Seems to take place directly after parasite, with the group having returned from their expedition and talk about the tir encountering corru. No hint for this password is currently known.
- dog - Akizet plays with her sister's dog. Hint obtained from the description of the "dog" in the Embassy.
- dull - Akizet, now a Qou is sent through a dull contrivance and prepares by turning all their sensors off, and relinquishing a tithe. Hint obtained from the description of the dull heart in the Dull Vessel.
- effigy - Brings you to a 3D stage, with only an Effigy sitting near a destroyed bar with a destroyed barfriend behind it, drinking an orange simulacrum, you can talk to it. After using Unity on it, attempting to revisit the memory will show that it no longer exists.
- flower - Akizet and someone else (presumably Gordon) go to a flower shop, with Akizet molding her body to spook the shopkeeper, before going back to her original Qou form and talking with the shopkeeper. Hint obtained from the description of the pre-Jokzi Ozo form of Isabel.
- humor - Seeming to take place chronologically after spire, Akizet and her remote coordinator discuss humorism, the practice of reading the sensation of receptor curls, to pass the time while Akizet is waiting out the spirestorm. After mentioning the new practice of remote readings, the remote coordinator performs a remote reading of Akizet's humors over their dullvoice connection, finding "nothing but light and claws" and believing to have performed the reading incorrectly. Hint located in Jokzi Ozo, when adjusting the starting humors on the Basterminal in Geli's room.
- larval - Akizet is given a emergency mindcore device to allow them to avoid dying by a worried close friend. Hint located in the description of the climbing wall in the Dull Vessel.
- parasite - Three larval obesk: Akizet, a cavernguard and his father augmented by Zevazni-made enhancements, harvest celki.
- sorry - Velzie tells the Interloper about themselves and how to use the Memory Hole. Hint obtained from God if it is spared, or from the description of the Sorry Cyst obtained at the end of BSTRD's area in the first section of Collapse.
- spire - Akizet contacts her remote coordinator, receives an estimate that she won't be able to leave her zzepel for the rest of the gaze once near the spire, and takes the chance to get a view from above before she has to take shelter once again.
- surface - Akizet is awoken from their sleep by another, is informed that a third person has not returned and that they need to find them. Hint obtained from the description of a text thoughtform in "Their City".
- veilk - Akizet climbs to the upper reaches of a veilk, riding it while approaching a stormy "spire", staking for the night in a "zzepel". Hint obtained from the description of a text thoughtform in "Their City".
- yuzku - Akizet and another Qou (presumably Cavik) talk to each other while heading to the Gathering Room, on the way, Akizet spots a Qou fixing a Cavelight, who she then talks to for a while. Hint obtained from the description of any Cavelight.
- zuzucri - Akizet and a male companion approach a female who is being puppeted by a "zuzucri", a parasite. She attempts to save them, but they are already dead, and her male companion unleashes some kind of dull pulse.
(Note: The memory hole works by adding parts to the URL - so if you enter no, recosm or where, you'll be brought to already existing locations. As a result, it is not possible to simply extract a comprehensive list of memory hole codes, since the responses are stored on the server hosting, instead of a list inside the client.)
(Note: The web-server (to a limited extend) allows relative paths, so you can enter passwords that redirect to resources used by the game, such as %2e%2e\%2e%2e\%2e%2e\img\sprites\obesk\larval\larval7%2egif?
, which leads here)
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