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Golem Maintenance

From Corru Observer Wiki
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Golem Maintenance is a location in The Embassy, it is where golems are maintained, sfer is stored, materials are manufactured, and where major and minor operations such as translating Bright languages take place.


Movefriend eventually brings Akizet and her team down to Golem Maintenance, but has to go up due to structural deterioration causing fluids to leak throughout the Embassy.

After arriving, they get dropped off at the Personnel Wing of the Golem Maintenance segment. Eventually they arrive at the Lobby and meet Geli. After this, Akizet and her two chosen members scout out each wing to look for survivors and fend off the incoherent foes.

In Manufacturing, Akizet and her scouting party go through some inconspicuous rooms, before finding the Greater and Lesser Vats to create weaponry for themselves. Also here is the Distribution segment, where Akizet and her coterie blast open the Distribution Door with the help of Itzil and Cavik if you found him. Inside, they find Karik's kivii, Dozkallvi, before she crushes her own mindcore and is controlled by some force.

After defeating Dozkallvi, Moth halts the memory stream, asking you to take a break since you did kill someone's loved one and watched them go into some kind of shock. If you decide to take a break, Moth brings you both some coffee, and talks for a while. If you decide not to, Moth says he'll take 5 minutes and tell you to keep doing your thing and move on.

In Sfer Supply, Akizet and her group go through some more unassuming rooms, before finding a Dullzika hijackd by the Aggressor to spread the signal. Akizet and her menagerie defeat the Dullzika and move on.

In Minor Operations, Akizet and her clique go through a Dull Analysis room and an unremarkable room before finding an archival golem, they prepare to fight, but get interrupted by a loud blast that shakes the room and incapacitates the archival golem. Cavik drops down through the ceiling and greets Akizet and her circle, before the archival golem gets up again. Akizet then stops time and sends Cavik a goodbye message, before resuming time; and seeing Bozko drop down the hole in the ceiling and destroying the golem.

Both parties exchange some words and move on to the Translation room. In the Translation room, the Translation Core is sort of emitting the signal, which gives Akizet and her gang two decisions: to run or fight it. If Akizet chooses to run, the Translation Core will not be fought, and they can continue on as normal. If Akizet chooses to fight, they defeat the Translation Core, and Gakvu picks up its core, and determines that she can use it by weaponizing the signal.

After this is all done, Akizet and her crew are clear to enter Advanced Operations; but first they create a golem using materials from the Sfer Supply and Dozkallvi's room, they then put both Itzil and Karik, who is still in shock, in the golem, creating the IK Golem.

When Akizet and her company go inside Advanced Operations, they find the Foundation Golem guarding the Impressor. Akizet and her squad fight the Foundation Golem with the IK Golem's help, and eventually defeat it, with Karik momentarily waking up. After defeating the Golem, Tozik, Gakvu, and Akizet then inspect the Impressor, and Tozik confirming that they can use this to clone their timestopper cysts.

After this has been said, the proxy informs the Interloper that the next events are corrupted, and cannot access them. Though you can still explore Golem Maintenance, which Moth notes as somewhat odd. From here, the Interloper is free to do whatever they please until Funfriend fixes more of the memory.



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